Re: [mediacapture-handle] Expose a MessagePort using Capture Handle (#70)

> I was not at yesterday's meeting so I am not sure which proposal was presented.

Sorry for being ambiguous; I meant "this proposed shape which I have presented in this thread."

> If the discussion is about postMessage vs. getMessagePort, my recollection of our past informal discussions is that there was agreement that the postMessage approach supports all use cases the getMessagePort approach would.

I think that it's a feature that `getMessagePort()` gives you a port that will auto-cancel itself when the capture stops. It means the captured application can trust that it's only sending back messages to an entity that's still capturing it. And if it ever wants a port that survives this and persists for longer, then that's still possible using the post-a-port-over-a-port technique you had described.

> The postMessage approach has the benefits of building on a proven pattern (we are on solid ground here) that is already widely in use (good for web developers).

I think my proposed method is also on solid ground, as it uses MessagePort.

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