Re: [mediacapture-main] enabled=false MediaStreamTrack handling for HTMLVideoElement (#961)

> Why would callbacks stop?

Currently, the callbacks are called for each new video frame generated by the camera (even though the frame is then turned into black).
When camera is off, there is no longer any frame being produced. The browser could of course call rvfc from time to time, to emulate this but at which frame rate? And for which purpose?

The thing is that whether the camera is off or not becomes observable to web pages.
This does not seem great and may lead to compat issues if we do not define something more precise.

> It says frames plural, but doesn't specify frequency. As long as we emit black frames, shouldn't VF callbacks happen?

rvfc exposes the black frames behaviour of UA that is otherwise not observable to the web page or the user.
It seems good to make this behaviour interoperable.

Ditto for stats counter somehow.

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