Re: [mediacapture-main] Avoid circular definition of muted. (#982)

> > > An answer to this question would be helpful.
> > 
> > 
> > Already answered in a previous message.
> Could you link to it please? This issue is getting long. Please give an example of an application relying on Chrome's behavior and what action it takes. E.g. is it showing the user a message that _"things are broken and no-one can hear you, please wait, maybe"_?

The answer is that, in our experience, applications that break with this type of change are the ones that are hard to think about in advance. We normally find out after rolling out the change. For example, when we implemented the requirement to wait for focus in getUserMedia() we thought nothing would break, and shortly after we started rolling out the change we received reports from some kiosk-like environments that broke because focus was impossible to obtain for those applications.

IMO, the bar for changing a definition that has been in place for years both in spec and implementations should be very high, even if the proposed change is obviously better. 

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