Re: [mediacapture-main] Avoid circular definition of muted. (#982)

> > For example: [crbug 941740]( implements mute on remote tracks reactively based on (lack of) input, violating the WebRTC spec and causing web compat issues.
> In this case, Chromium just is applying the model defined in the main spec to remote tracks. The WebRTC spec indicates some cases in which the muted attribute should be set/unset, but AFAICT it does not say anywhere that this overrides the model defined in the original MediaStreamTrack specification. It also does not state a new definition of muted specific for WebRTC tracks and does not even list the muted/unmuted events in its [Event Summary section].

This seems wrong. I've filed on this. Let's discuss that there.

I think I see now how we came to have this vague language. MediaCapture-main is trying to establish both a _model_ for all sources, while simultaneously specifying camera and microphone sources explicitly. I think it needs to do a better job separating when it's doing one or the other.

At its core, I think most people consider muting to be a conscious action based on intent. A reason, not a reaction.

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