Re: [webrtc-encoded-transform] Generalize ScriptTransform constructor to allow main-thread processing (#89)

@alvestrand thanks I appreciate its illustrative power of our gap. But we can polyfill that.

Providing a polyfill shaped like you propose would take me a bit longer (making the transform a bona fide EventListener), but here's a [fiddle]( showing main-thread access in today's API (modulo [bug 1868223](
const bouncer = new Worker(`data:text/javascript,(${bounce.toString()})()`);
function bounce() {
  onrtctransform = async ({transformer: {readable, writable}}) =>
    self.postMessage({transformer: {readable, writable}}, [readable, writable]);
To use this bouncer:
sender.transform = new RTCRtpScriptTransform(bouncer, {});
const event = await new Promise(r => bouncer.onmessage = r);

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