Re: [webrtc-pc] Inconsistent rules for rid in RTCRtpEncodingParameters (#2732)

So I guess there are the following questions:

1. Do we want to specify an error to throw if the length of the rid is valid according to RFC 8852, but longer than the implementation is able to handle? I think this is probably something we want to do, given the implementation state.
2. Do we want to forbid the empty string? It is unclear to me right now whether 8852 ought to forbid that, but I think we ought to forbid it one way or another.
3. Do we want to switch our reference to 8852, or do we want to put the rules in-line without an RFC reference? I'm fine with either approach, but if we are going to be adding extra validation (eg; empty string) we may want to just do all of it in-line.

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