Re: [mediacapture-region] Why expose produceCropTarget at MediaDevices level? (#11)

> * (Window/MessagePort-from-Window object, element ID string): does not work in full generality, but is nice and simple and reuses existing primitives

Thanks @domenic, this is my winner. Avoids a new API & gets the id from iframe B to iframe A, which is all we need. KISS

const channel = new MessageChannel();
iframeA.contentWindow.postMessage(channel.port1, '*', [channel.port1]);
iframeB.contentWindow.postMessage(channel.port2, '*', [channel.port2]);

const element = document.getElementById("foo");
const {data: port} = await new Promise(r => window.onmessage = r);

const {data: port} = await new Promise(r => window.onmessage = r);
port.onmessage = async e => await track.cropTo(, {source: e.source});
postMessage here is a means to an end, so solving full generality feels like scope-creep.

> Another thing to consider is that the ID can refer to one element at a given point in time and to another one later on. This might make dynamic cropping easier ...

@youennf a live id feels like feature creep. Having `await cropTo(id)` resolve to a specific element seems POLA.

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