Re: [mediacapture-region] Why exposing produceCropTarget at MediaDevices level? (#11)

> There is a tradeoff with promises, we should use them when/if they are needed, which does not seem to apply here.

It makes it much easier for Chrome to deliver a more efficient implementation, without costing anything for other browser vendors (return a pre-resolved Promise) or Web developers (await cropTo). The tradeoff seems favorable to me.

> let's say we have A the capturee, B the capturer, C the entity doing the actual cropping

Who is C in this scenario? If A in the document that holds the crop-target (div, iframe, etc.), then it will produce the CropTarget (the token) and send it to document B, who holds the track. B will call cropTo directly. I don't follow where C fits into the picture, except possibly as a conduit for messages which can be neglected¹. What am I missing?

[1] I'm using "neglect" here as one does in physics, e.g. when neglecting air resistance or friction.

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