Re: [webrtc-extensions] Allow having inactive by default codecs (#100)

how about this (which may also solve #95):
partial interface RTCRtpTransceiver {
  undefined setOfferedCodecs(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability> codecsToOffer);
  undefined setOfferedRtpHeaderExtensions(sequence<RTCRtpHeaderExtensionCapability> headerExtensionsToOffer);
  Promise<sequence<RTCRtpCapabilities>> getCapabilities();
getCapabilities can be async method and we don't need the "kind" even.
RTCCodecCapability would need to be extended by the direction (which was previously implied by whether it came from sender or receiver).
Not sure if we need setOfferedCodecs even, extending setCodecPreferences should be limited to the direction.

Since setOfferedHeaderExtensions hasn't shipped yet I assume we can still make changes to it. While that information is sync it would be nice for symmetry reasons.

Not sure I want the offered + negotiated codecs / extensions, those can be easily extracted from the SDP (as local and remote codecs) so syntactic sugar.

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