Re: [mediacapture-transform] Is MediaStreamTrackProcessor for audio necessary? (#29)

The fact that there is overlap does not mean that we should not support it. After all, for video there is overlap with existing features as well. Also, while there is overlap, the MediaStreamTrackProcessor model is quite different from the AudioWorklet model.  
The question is if the MediaStreamTrackProcessor model is a better fit in some cases. I'll reach out to audio developers to get more feedback, but some things that have been mentioned are:
1. access to the original timestamps of the audio source
2. better WebCodecs integration
3. there are use cases that do not fit naturally with the clock-based synchronous processing model of AudioWorklet (e.g., applications with high CPU requirements but without strong latency requirements). The MediaStreamTrackProcessor model might be a better match in these cases.

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