Re: [mediacapture-output] PING review (#116)

Thanks @alvestrand and @youennf !

Thank you for the clarification. I didn't quite have the correct understanding on my first read then.  I have a broader question about the motivation behind the current approach, but want to make sure I 100% understand it first.  Can you let me know what would should happen in each of the following cases?

1. I setSinkId with the deviceId of a valid audiooutput device, but one that hasn't been exposed to the page yet (Im thinking about the future, improving the privacy of enumerateDevices() changes we discussed previously)? Im trying to tease apart whether its "if enumerateDevices() is giving information about audiooutput devices, then you can bypass selectAudioOutput()", or if its "if has given access to the specific deviceId before on this page, you can bypass selectAudioOutput()", or a third thing?

2. the flows described in b seem to rely on deviceIds not being guessable.  What happens if I manage to guess a deviceId, but which I haven't gone through the enumerateDevices requirements to have it revealed (either current or the additional, future discussed ones)?

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