Re: [mediacapture-screen-share] Allow screen-captured applications to influence MediaStreamTrack.label (#159)

You mentioned in your initial post.
I do not think your current proposal is great for that particular issue. Exposing the origin or origin+pathname or same origin flag seems more reasonable. This use case deserves a bullet-proof solution.

The thread also started with trying to use label which only use so far is to help user know which capture device is being used.
In that context, exposing some relevant information of the web page like the title or the origin makes more sense than exposing a random string. Thinking a bit more about this use case, User Agent might be in a good position to help user identify precisely which tab is being captured, so maybe we should not really consider this as a primary use case.

The new use-case you are bringing to the table is analytics.
I am not quite sure to understand what the capturing application will do with that piece of information, what will be the end user benefit and what will be the captured application benefit, or what would be a typical value for such information.

Even in that use case, I feel like exposing only an application-specific string might be brittle.
Having origin+application-specific string is ok in the sense that there is a trusted scope and the application-specific string wocanld be evaluated based on that trusted scope. Origin leakage would be opt-in based on setting the application-specific string.

Getting back to my core point, I am not clear about the use cases.
It is fine to define an API for very precise needs but we should be very clear of what is in scope and what is not.

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