Re: [mediacapture-record] Fingerprint surface coming from 'isTypeSupported' - needs consideration? (#142)

The only information of value that `isTypeSupported()` can conceivably provide is whether the browser is , for example, Firefox or Chromium or Chrome, which can be determined by various means without executing `MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported()`, including simply recording a very brief `MediaStream` with `MediaRecorder` (no permissions required) and checking if the resulting media file has a duration, where Chrome and Chromium produce media files that do not have a duration.

It can be reasonably concluded that  Mozilla browsers will not support `h264` or `avc1` in a WebM container per However, Firefox might, in the future, support FLAC  in WebM

Until the specific "Fingerprint surface" vector is clearly described am not certain precisely what the issue is with `isTypeSupported()`?

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Received on Sunday, 28 June 2020 17:30:55 UTC