Re: [webrtc-insertable-streams] Does Chromium require anything in SDP or RTP Header to make this work? (#37)

I would recommend you to start with the audio stream as it is easier to get it working.

For video, either you would have to implement the generic raw paquetization and generic video description rtp extension header, or you would need to adapt the encryption per codec.

If you do the later, VP9 will work out of the box, VP8 would require to skip the first 3/10 bytes of the vp8 descriptor and for h264, well, better do the generic paquetizer/descriptor.

If you want to integrate it wit the [sframe.js]( on the browser side, contact me privately and I will help you to interoperate with it.

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Received on Friday, 12 June 2020 14:19:45 UTC