Re: [mediacapture-image] [PTZ] Should `applyConstraints` request permission? (#223)

> I wonder why `applyConstraints ()` should prompt users for PTZ access when web developers have no way to provide meaningful PTZ constraints as they don' have access to PTZ settings/capabilities.

My original thinking was that web developers always have access PTZ settings/capabilities, so in that situation web developers would have had a way to provide meaningful PTZ constraints.

> I'm not sure if the `{pan: true, tilt: true, zoom: true}` syntax would be compliant for applyConstraints?

After the new "true" semantics, that is compliant.

Would it be a valid use case that a web site checks that is has a camera permission but not a ptz permission and thus starts a video stream using getUserMedia without {pan: true, ...} in order to get the stream instantly without prompts and then later issues applyConstraint({pan: true, ...}) (by user request perhaps) in order to upgrade the current video stream to PTZ stream?

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Received on Monday, 27 April 2020 06:18:12 UTC