Re: [mediacapture-main] Stop recommending UUID for deviceId/groupId (#682)

> What I'm not getting is any positive argument in favor of a UUID

Note the spec doesn't actually mandate a UUID, only a "generated unique identifier", so your idea would be compliant. 

I don't actually know why the spec recommends UUIDs. I suspect most browsers use hashes, not an actual UUID generator. A positive argument for hashes, to answer your question, is efficient implementation (we store one key per origin vs. one id per device per origin).

The benefit of the large entropy is not worrying about collisions (though I agree it is probably larger than necessary in most browsers). If you have an algorithm with less entropy with the same storage needs that might be interesting.

But since the title of this issue is _"Stop recommending UUID for deviceId/groupId"_, and since I haven't heard anyone defend the UUID recommendation specifically, I would actually be in favor of removing the recommendation.

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Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2020 13:24:07 UTC