Re: [mediacapture-main] When is a MediaStream playing? (#615)

@Pehrsons The linked code was intended to be an infinite media stream using the available `timeupdate` event to to push a frame to be created and added to the stream. 

Another difference between Mozilla Firefox, Nightly and Chromium, Chrome implementations  relevant to playback

Chromium requires execution of code which creates and requests a frame at the first `unmute` event of video `MediaStreamTrack` for playback does not proceed, `currentTime` is `0`, `play`, `playing` events of `HTMLMediaElement` are dispatched, then `mute` event of `MediaStreamTrack` is dispatched. 

At Mozilla the call to `handleTimeupdate()` can be commented, playback continues, `currentTime` increments, `timeupdate` event is dispatched.

    canvasTrack.onmute = e => {
        target: Object.assign(

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