Re: [webrtc-pc] Add adaptivePtime to RTCConfiguration (#2309)

A few different issues here, I think for "do we want to adaptive ptime?" the answer is yes, for "where do we put it?" the overwhelming feeling is send parameters, as for "how is it allowed to change?" I get a sense that the UA should be able to decide, but the set of valid ptimes needs to be defined somewhere. So:
- Let's move this to RTCRtpSendParameters.
- Let's either define here that valid ptimes MUST be divisible by 10, or, if this is controversial and more discussion is needed, file a separate issue discussing valid frame lengths.

Are there any other concerns or issues? If so it might be good to file follow-up issues for the sake of focus and progress and unblocking rolling out adaptive ptime.

If we can reach the quality bar for "Editors can integrate" during the meeting today, I propose merging this into a "webrtc-extensions" repository to be created by one of us.

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Received on Thursday, 3 October 2019 08:50:52 UTC