- From: henbos via GitHub <sysbot+gh@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2018 13:00:09 +0000
- To: public-webrtc-logs@w3.org
henbos has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-stats: == Rename sender/receiver/track stats == Largely copied from https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-stats/pull/273. We have these hierarchies (and similar for audio and receive): `RTCMediaStreamTrackStats <- RTCVideoStreamTrackStats <- RTCVideoSenderStats <- RTCLocalVideoStreamTrackStats` In other words `Track <- [Audio/Video]Track <- [Audio/Video][Sender/Receiver] <- Local[Audio/Video]Track` It gets a bit confusing about going back and forth between track language and sender/receiver language. The way I see it, it's sender/receiver all the way down. The RTCLocal[Audio/Video]StreamTrackStats are the only special case where now we're not talking about a sender, now it changes to an attachment of a track (it's not even a track-stat, since attaching the same track multiple times yields different attachment stats). Which really is a subview of the sender stats for the duration a track is attached. Lacking a better word that can be used to refer to both a sender and a receiver than "SenderReceiver" (and avoiding confusion with RTCRtpTransceiver), I would name them: ``` RTCSenderReceiverStats (previously RTCMediaStreamTrackStats) RTC[Audio/Video]SenderReceiverStats (RTC[Audio/Video]StreamTrackStats) RTC[Audio/Video][Sender/Receiver]Stats (same name as before) RTCSender[Audio/Video]TrackAttachmentStats (RTCLocal[Audio/Video]StreamTrackStats) ``` In other words `SenderReceiver <- [Audio/Video]SenderReceiver <- [Audio/Video][Sender/Receiver] <- [Audio/Video]TrackAttachment` Since "objectDeleted" is now a member of all stats and "detached" has been removed, there is no need for a separate dictionary for track attachments, so we can either reuse the same dictionary or keep it around for editorial purposes to make the distinction between sender/receiver stats and track attachment stats. Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-stats/issues/298 using your GitHub account
Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2018 13:00:23 UTC