Re: [webrtc-pc] How do I indicate the end of remote candidates?

> Users should typically not interfere with this, and merely forward candidates opaquely.

I totally agree. 

>  Once browsers fix their bugs, onicecandidate will automatically emit the end-of-candidate candidate as a signal to the other side

So, how should/will the events on `onicecandidates` finally look like? Will an empty candidate be fired? The note in the spec says:

> The null candidate event is fired to ensure legacy compatibility. New code should monitor the gathering state of RTCIceTransport and/or RTCPeerConnection.

>From a users perspective, I don't want to monitor the states and detect the end of the geathering and send a "proprietary" end-of-candidates. I just want to signal the candidates fired by `onicecandidate`, where the last one signals the end. Thus, I expect as `onicecandidate` events:

- `{candidate: '...'}` (non empty string)
- ...
- `{candidate: '...'}` (non empty string)
- `''` (empty string as end-of-candidate / gathering is finshed)

Thus I can feed them 1:1 into `addIceCandidate()`:

- Fire `addIceCandidate({candidate: '...'})` (non empty string)
- ...
- Fire `addIceCandidate({candidate: '...'})` (non empty string)
- Fire `addIceCandidate('')` (corresponds to my example 1)

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Received on Monday, 20 August 2018 14:09:34 UTC