Re: [webrtc-stats] Privacy & Security self review

Thanks for the quick response, @alvestrand! We will look forward to 
seeing more detail in your response to the privacy and security 
questionnaire. We are interested in things like whether the latency 
exposed by `roundTripTime` in `RTCOutboundRTPStreamStats` or 
`RTCIceCandidatePairStats` might expose something about the user's 
distance from the server (and therefore, where in the world they are).

We do understand that mitigations can be tricky. It might be helpful 
to have different levels of statistics based on the privacy 
invasiveness... for example, the media-layers stats might be different
 to the transport-layer stats? Where mitigation isn't possible, 
exposing all the unmitigated threats in the spec will help 
implementers make informed decisions about how to present them to 

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Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2017 21:01:11 UTC