Re: [webrtc-pc] Should the spec describe addStream/onaddstream as legacy API?

> This API is more convenient to use from a web developer point of view for simple A/V calls then addTrack/ontrack.
Then write a library or some code which simplifies the API usage, but don't bloat the native API to support a simple and a more complex version.

> This API is available in Edge, Chrome and Firefox while addTrack is only supported in Firefox.
Then get the implementations which are lacking behind the spec to finally implement what the spec is and don't give them excuses to implement what ever they want.

> From a pragmatic point of view, it seems like the webrtc spec should describe this legacy API, in terms of existing API like addTrack for instance.
I think the WebRTC specs are way to complex already. Adding sections about legacy stuff will only bloat them and cause confusion on what has to be implemented and what is available. How about you create a separate document/spec which describes the old, legacy APIs.

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Received on Thursday, 13 April 2017 18:25:07 UTC