Thoughts for TPAC regarding your spec?

Hi all Editors!

We've started to discuss how we should use the TPAC time, and would like 
to hear what you think.

I hope I got all editors for:
- webrtc-pc
- webrtc-stats
- mediacapture-main
- mediacapture-image
- mediacapture-depth
- mediacapture-record
- mediacapture-output
- mediacapture-fromelement
- mediacapture-screen-share
on the sendlist.

Any type of input would help us, e.g. are there Issues or other things 
in the spec(s) you edit that would gain from f2f discussion? How 
many/how much time would be needed? Are there dependencies to other 
specs in our stable (or in another group) we should sort out (and make 
sure we can meet with the right people)? Or do you even think there is 
no need to spend time at TPAC at all? (If you are not planning to attend 
at all that is also good info.) Etc.


Received on Thursday, 21 September 2017 11:38:28 UTC