Notes, December 17

On 12/07/2017 03:40 PM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> Posting the generated agenda is useful because it gives me something to
> put notes in.
> It doesn't mean that we are going through all of it.
> In addition, we need to discuss:
> - Marking up stuff for the January VI (what needs discussion before we
> resolve it?)
JIB will raise the question of identity @mozilla. We define a new label
for the "identity stuff" to apply to bugs.

> - Charter discussion
Current approach is minimal changes + 2 years' bump in the dates.
PR in 2 years is a goal. QUIC and ICE stuff can be added.
We may not need more language about NV in the new charter.

> - Strategies for effectively dealing with the bug backlog (reassigning?)

We should each go through the issues assigned to us.
Martin's bugs are mainly identity related - JIB will discuss this
internally at mozilla tomorrow.

AI all of us: Go through the stuff assigned to us. Mark with "interim
jan 2018" if you think it would help.

> Mediacapture-main
> =================
> Pull requests
> -------------
> #499 Editorial: Add jib as editor ()
> #500 Add synchronous addtrack and removetrack algorithms. ()

Both merged.
> Issues
> ------
> #384 Should we use [EnforceRange] on min/max in constraints? (aboba)
> #385 ConstrainLong only concern positive values (aboba)
> #434 Disable user media by default in cross-origin iframes (stefhak)
> #439 Move permissions algorithms back to getUserMedia spec (stefhak)
> #441 Algorithm to mute/disable tracks is unclear (adam-be)
> #453 How to handle changes to the set of tracks in a MediaStream (stefhak)
> #457 Specification to capture unmodified audio (burnburn)
> #459 Clarify that track.stop() is idempotent. (aboba)
> #465 How should applyConstraints deal with constraints from othe
> (alvestrand)
> #466 Questions about setting belonging to source in Section 3. (jan-ivar)
> #470 Does getSettings() reflect configured or actual setting? (jan-ivar)
> #472 How to implement web-compatible camera downscaling? (burnburn)
> #478 Consider discussing content hints for MediaStreamTrack in n (stefhak)
> #482 applyConstraints modifies DOM object "in parallel" (adam-be)
> #484 Can IDL typedef for MediaStreamError be (DOMException or Ov (burnburn)
> #487 Link is to wrong permission algorithm (editorial) (jan-ivar)
> #495 Undefined how video dimension constraints are met (burnburn)
> #496 Meta: auto-publish changes to the spec (dontcallmedom)
> #497 Update WebIDL definition(s) to use new mixin syntax ()
> =========
> Pull requests
> -------------
> #1656 RTCSctpTransport: Specify special cases for maxMessageSize (adam-be)
Merged, Adam will look at the test.

> #1664 Add testing guideline for naming test files and adding comm ()
Merged, Adam will file an issue on spec links.
> #1667 Set muted before SRD resolves, using new set muted algorith ()
Related to #1684
JIB will file a new issue on resolving the end-of-times subject in the
> #1674 Return UnknownError on RTCPeerConnection constructor failur ()
> #1676 Editorial: Add jib as editor ()
> #1678 remove idl comment about rtcpTransport being at risk ()
> #1679 Fix offerToReceive* bug introduced by PR #1672 ()
Bug caught by test :-) Merged.
> #1681 offerToReceive: s/transceiver type/transceiver kind/ (and d ()
Fixed in 1686.
> #1683 fix offerToReceive(Audio|Video): false ()
Further discussion needed. Possibly we can't land this before January,
if at all.
VI topic? Or should we drop it? marked as "list discussion needed".

> #1684 Fire removetrack/addtrack events before track events. ()
Jan-Ivar will fix the respec error and merge.
> #1686 offerToReceive: Rewrite to handle two options to createOffe ()
> Issues
> ------
> #661 Add informative table of all things that can cause negotiat (burnburn)
> #842 Define JSEP terms like "bundle" and "bundle-policy" in term (burnburn)
> #964 Handing SDP with more than one identity  (martinthomson)
> #1089 Update for structured cloning changes in HTML (adam-be)
> #1111 Describe update strategy on variables (adam-be)
> #1112 Terminology around "setting" attributes may be incorrect (adam-be)
> #1158 Section 12: Missing WebIDL in RTCError (adam-be)
> #1169 RTP Media API section should describe how tracks for sender (taylor-b)
> #1177 Some JSEP "applying a description" steps can't occur in par (taylor-b)
> #1182 Spec-compliant way to get remote streams and tracks? (jan-ivar)
> #1192 editorial: currentLocalDescription getting updates with can (fippo)
> #1202 Need to identify if changes affect JSEP or MSID specs (stefhak)
> #1219 Default ufrag for addIceCandidate when there are different 
> (soareschen)
> #1224 RTCIceCandidate and candidate string parsing requirements ()
> #1235 setRemoteDescription error when rtcpMuxPolicy is "require"  (fippo)
> #1236 legacy error handling (fippo)
> #1240 editorial: media api introduction (fippo)
> #1244 `parameters` not defined in `setParameters` algorithm (stefhak)
> #1246 processing remote MediaStreamTracks -- stopping the transce (fippo)
> #1256 Error for when peer identity is wrong (fluffy)
> #1258 MTI specification of crypto for certs (fluffy)
> #1262 Lifetime of pc.PeerIdentity (martinthomson)
> #1263 Clarity in section 9.7 example 11 (fluffy)
> #1264 Failure of transmission of isolated stream (martinthomson)
> #1269 Review issues reported to last in September  (fluffy)
> #1271 Inconsistencies in Asynchronous Task Queueing (adam-be)
> #1273 Events not bubbling (dontcallmedom)
> #1277 Section 4.3.1: operations queue and setDescription (adam-be)
> #1279 Section 4.3.3: optional methods (stefhak)
> #1290 Section 9.1: when is IdP ready? (martinthomson)
> #1292 Section 9.4: peerIdentity mismatches (martinthomson)
> #1294 Section 10.4.1: target peerIdentity (martinthomson)
> #1295 Section 11: Examples (stefhak)
> #1300 Section 5.2: transactionId restrictions (taylor-b)
> #1314 Refine error reporting for identity assertion (fluffy)
> #1317 More granular data channel error reporting (fluffy)
> #1342 Consider using generic algorithm ()
> #1345 Make promise rejection/enqueing consistent ()
> #1375 Checks for negotiation-needed are underspecified when curre (adam-be)
> #1378 Origin value for data channel message event (soareschen)
> #1389 No normative definition for "Determine if negotiation is ne (adam-be)
> #1407 `addTransceiver(track)` doesn't mention checking the origin (adam-be)
> #1420 At risk text in wrong location (burnburn)
> #1437 Handle transceiver stopped between creation and description (adam-be)
> #1445 Standard should provide some guidance for when an applicati (taylor-b)
> #1446 RTCSctpTransport.maxMessageSize 0 case (adam-be)
> #1454 Using setConfiguration() to add application certificates to (jan-ivar)
> #1456 setConfiguration({ peerIdentity }) when there is no initial (adam-be)
> #1477 Minor inconsistencies around RTCSessionDescription vs. RTCS (jan-ivar)
> #1492 Validation of reordered readonly parameters in setParameter (aboba)
> #1493 Required fields in RTCRtpParameters returned from getParame
> (soareschen)
> #1494 addTrack can reuse a sender whose transceiver is stopped (docfaraday)
> #1497 Not possible to tell how old `RTCRtpContributingSource.time (taylor-b)
> #1499 Processing Remote MediaStreamTracks should pass on receiver (stefhak)
> #1501 Format of provider string for setIdentityProvider and valid
> (martinthomson)
> #1502 How is port number specified when verifying peer identity's
> (soareschen)
> #1504 Origin value for IdP proxy script (martinthomson)
> #1506 Specifying third party IdP for validating assertion (martinthomson)
> #1509 Default identity provider (martinthomson)
> #1511 Ambiguous definition for IdP errors (martinthomson)
> #1512 setRemoteDescription should fail if target peer identity is
> (soareschen)
> #1513 The same connection.peerIdentity promise can be resolved mu
> (martinthomson)
> #1533 Clarify whether RTCRtpContributingSource members are live. (jan-ivar)
> #1546 Use automatically generated default toJSON() method (when a (adam-be)
> #1562 How to handle removing and re-adding remote streams/tracks  (stefhak)
> #1563 Ambiguities with BUNDLE and ICE (taylor-b)
> #1568 Ordering of SRD promise resolving vs. track "mute" event (taylor-b)
> #1575 Inconsistent setting of receiver.track.readyState violates  (adam-be)
> #1586 behaviour of offerToReceive* set to false when there is a l (stefhak)
> #1588 Clarify (if needed) how remoteTrackId relates to MSID in th (taylor-b)
> #1599 Ordering of stream "addtrack"/"removetrack" events vs. "tra (jan-ivar)
> #1601 RTCDtlsTransportState enum descriptions are lacking (taylor-b)
> #1609 Partial removal of a track? (taylor-b)
> #1613 Stats & isolated streams (alvestrand)
> #1619 canInsertDTMF transitions not specified (aboba)
> #1624 "set an RTCSessionDescription" steps need to be broken up i (jan-ivar)
> #1625 RTCPriorityType combines relative bitrate with QoS priority
> (alvestrand)
> #1626 Instantiating an IdP Proxy should be defined in terms of Fe
> (martinthomson)
> #1627 RTCIdentityProviderGlobalScope looks wrong (martinthomson)
> #1628 RTCDataChannel's send() doesn't encode string data (adam-be)
> #1630 Example ICE state transition appears incorrect (taylor-b)
> #1633 SctpTransportState transitions (aboba)
> #1635 Need for Initial Bitrate by the Application/RtpSender? (vr000m)
> #1642 OAUTH-POP-KEY-DISTRIBUTION IETF draft has been replaced by  (taylor-b)
> #1644 Adding more values to RTCIceTransportPolicy Enum (taylor-b)
> #1645 getIdentityAssertion should reject with InvalidAccessError 
> (soareschen)
> #1646 Isolated Media Streams requires modification on permission 
> (soareschen)
> #1648 Provide changelog for the spec in new editors draft workflo (adam-be)
> #1651 JSEP references are out dated (aboba)
> #1661 Update SOTD text regarding multiple implementations (aboba)
> #1662 addTransceiver woes (stefhak)
> #1669 order of transceivers, senders/receivers? (aboba)
> #1670 RTCPeerConnection constructor can fail - what error to retu
> (alvestrand)
> #1675 offerToReceive* should ignore stopped transceivers, not uns (adam-be)
> #1677 replaceTrack and removeTrack: Synchronous? ()
> #1680 RTCDataChannel.bufferedAmount description confusing ()
> #1682 should offerToReceive* in createOfffer be marked feature-at ()
> #1685 offerToReceive: Current text can't handle two options to cr (adam-be)

Received on Thursday, 7 December 2017 16:02:40 UTC