RE: Editor's call 2017-04-20

April 20, 2017 Editor's Meeting

Present:  Bernard, Taylor, Adam
Regrets:  Stefan, Dan

Media Capture and Streams

PRs merged

446: Specify how applyConstraints() should behave without the argument
     May require additional explanation, Adam will file Issue/PR if needed.

Issues closed

438: What does it mean that the argument to applyConstraints() is optional (addressed by PR 446)

New issues

447: Need more attributes in MediaDeviceInfo (assigned to Adam)
     How app knows whether a device is a front or back camera.

448: Way to generate synthetic data for automated testing (assigned to Adam)
     Are existing approaches (e.g. generating MediaStream from a video element) insufficient?


PRs merged

1110:  Mark pranswer as a "feature atrisk"
1122:  RTCCertificate.getAlgorithm() to return a compatible AlgorithmIdentifier
1130:  Clarify that configuration.certificates remains undefined in the RTCPeerConnection constructor
1131:  Drop [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for USVString

Issues closed

1106: Mark Provisional Answer as a feature at risk? (addressed by PR 1110)
1118: [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] is not allowed for USVString per Web IDL (addressed by PR 1131)
1120: RTCCertificate.getAlgorithm for implicitly generated local certificates (addressed by PR 1130)
1121: RTCCertificate.getAlgorithm() wording and serialization (addressed by PR 1122)

Review of Remaining Open Issues

18 open issues:
   Editorial: 6
   Interim discussion: 4
   Icebox: 1
   Closable: 3
   PRs exist (mergeable prior to CR): 2
   Clarifications (not blocking CR): 2

Potentially closable:

849: Specify an AllowUnverifiedMedia RTCConfiguration property
   Discussion in PR 1026 (see:
   So far, no use case has been found demonstrating how early media can
   occur in endpoints implementing the WebRTC 1.0 API.

1125: Should the spec describe addStream/onaddstream as legacy API?
   Duplicate of Issue 568 (see:
   Consensus then was that addStream et al should not be documented in the spec.

1128: example 13: getReceivers semantics
   Appears to be an implementation rather than a spec issue.

Received on Thursday, 20 April 2017 17:42:05 UTC