Agenda, September 1

The usual agenda.

Pull requests

#268 Iframe sandboxing options for gUM (stefhak)
#350 New permission definitions are wrong. (alvestrand)
#360 Specify relation between return from getConstraints and con (burnburn)
#371 Privacy issue with media capture and fingerprinting room ac (burnburn)
#380 Remove redundant list-devices permission. ()
#382 'allowusermedia' not defined ()
Needs opening a bug on permissions (and assigning it to me).

#384 Should we use [EnforceRange] on min/max in constraints? ()
I think this is "editor-ready", but might be worthy of a note to the
list before declaring consensus. Volunteers for the PR?

#385 ConstrainLong only concern positive values ()
Should be done together with #384

#386 What does "getSettings" return? (alvestrand)
We seem to have a consensus that Chrome is wrong here.

#387 Reinstate strong language on permission ending when tracks  ()
I think the spec behavior didn't change, but the word "permission" got
Someone else needs to have an opinion about that.

#388 Wording concern about the text describing the add track and ()
Assign to Adam?

#389 Camera light and "disabled" tracks ()
Related to #387

Pull requests
#624 Upscale allowed (fluffy)
Can we reassign this to someone who can get a WG consensus? Stefan?

#738 Getting the fingerprint of an RTCCertificate ()
Waiting for IETF

#756 Integrate queueing into the setLocal/RemoteDescription step ()
Since Jan-Ivar is happy, I suggest we merge.

#757 Support ufrag in IceCandidate and end of IceCandidate indic ()
No new commits yet.

#765 Adding more detail to the definition of the ICE `disconnect ()
Looks good to me.

#776 Support for OAuth in TURN credentials (Issue 714 patch) ()
OAUTH mechanics need verification.

#777 Fix WebIDL of RTCDTMFSender ()
Looks good to me.

#778 Remove void conformance requirement on interToneGap ()
Something wrong here.

#779 Make duration and interToneGap attributes unsigned long ()
Looks good to me.

Let's start with the unassigned ones, and then loop back to look at the
ones where something's been done since last week.

#295 Guidance for extending objects vs extending Stats needed (alvestrand)
#296 Debugging ICE problems needs more info (aboba)
#305 Describe what happens when media changes (fluffy)
#337 Interfacing between WebRTC spec and JSEP (burnburn)
#526 NetworkError event is not defined and might not be needed (adam-be)
#551 Errors when identifying a m-line in addIceCandidate() (adam-be)
#554 We never fire the 'connectionstatechange' event (adam-be)
#555 Sort out requirements around IdpLoginError (martinthomson)
#561 Normatively cite webrtc-stats for sections 8.x (alvestrand)
#566 Separate sender and receiver sets are unnecessary when we h (burnburn)
#578 Need to specify precisely when MID generation happens (adam-be)
#579 Congruenting about "The negotiation-needed flag is cleared  (adam-be)
#600 Operations queue: What is run synchronously before the oper (adam-be)
#645 public negotiation-needed flag as readonly (adam-be)
#655 Update JSEP reference to 5.8 (burnburn)
#661 Add informative table of all things that can cause negotiat (burnburn)
#671 Processing remote MediaStreamTracks without MediaStreams in
#678 Support assertions that identify the recipient (martinthomson)
#685 Update JSEP reference for receipt of multiple RTP encodings (aboba)
#687 Clarify reasoning behind and mitigation of privacy issues ( (stefhak)
#688 Indicators of usage and data flow (PING review) (stefhak)
#690 Information available prior to permission prompt (PING revi (stefhak)
#692 Meaning of "Liveness checks have failed" for `disconnected` (adam-be)
#698 JSEP/WebRTC mismatch on empty remote MID (adam-be)
#700 An event for when a Circuit Breaker is triggered (stefhak)
#705 Missing sender identifier attribute (msid) (stefhak)
#709 offerToReceiveAudio/offerToReceiveVideo remain in implement (adam-be)
#714 STUN/TURN OAuth token auth parameter passing (aboba)
#720 getting the fingerprint of a RTCCertificate? (aboba)
#723 Need JSEP reference for end-of-candidates indication (burnburn)
#726 Add a ufrag attribute to the RTCIceCandidate structure to i (aboba)
#727 removeTrack: throw exception if sender is not in connection (adam-be)
#729 RTCStats timestamp source ambiguous (alvestrand)
#746 Need to specify what happens if `createDataChannel` is call (adam-be)
#755 setLocal/RemoteDescription should explicitly state which st (adam-be)
#760 Figure out backward-compatible way to indicate ufrag+mid on (adam-be)
#763 Handling of simulcast errors (aboba)
#764 Specify how an RTCRtpSender should treat an ended track (adam-be)

Unassigned items start here. They all seem to be DTMF items(!)

#766 Why [NoInterfaceObject] for RTCDTMFSender? ()
Fixed by #777

#767 RTCDTMFSender needs to inherit from EventTarget ()
Fixed by #777

#768 insertDTMF should normalize input ()
#769 insertDTMF doesn't define what happens with characters that ()
#770 What are the units of interToneGap? ()
#771 Why does the interToneGap getter return long instead of uns ()
#772 interToneGap definition doesn't quite make sense ()
#773 duration definition on RTCDTMFSender doesn't quite make sen ()
#774 The sentence "It MUST be at least 30 ms" in the definition  ()
#775 Handling of invalid characters in the tone buffer is broken ()

Received on Thursday, 1 September 2016 12:37:38 UTC