Notes (was Agenda) Editors' call 2016-10-13

On 13/10/16 11:00, Stefan Håkansson LK wrote:
> Harald will not make it today.
> Overarching items:
> ------------------
> Adam to be away: for how long?

Away Nov 1st to Feb 1st (approx). Let's try to make best use of Adam the 
last couple of weeks.

> Time for new Ed's drafts?

Let's wait one more week to get more stuff decided at TPAC in.

> mediacapture-main:
> ==================
> PRs:
> ----
> #395 Mark the Implementation Suggestions as non-normative. Will be
> managed as part of a bigger review by Dan
Will be looked at once #411 is done.
> #407 proposed change for #402: looks like they want a comment from adambe
Almost done. Shijun has more work to do.
> #410 Rename list-devices permission to device-info to match permission spec.
#411: Rest of indicator stuff.
> Issues:
> -------
> #350 New permission definitions are wrong.
> #360 Specify relation between return from getConstraints and constraints
> argument
> #380 Define restrictions on device-info permission.
> #384 Should we use [EnforceRange] on min/max in constraints?
> #385 ConstrainLong only concern positive values
Waiting for WebIDL updates. Can we make any work around?
> #386 What does "getSettings" return?
> #387 Reinstate strong language on permission ending when tracks stop,
> lost by editorial mistake
#411 landed may make this possible to close.
> #389 Camera light and "disabled" tracks
> #390 Clearly mark the "Implementation Suggestions" section as normative
> or not
> #394 Browser's ability to dynamically change settings mistakenly removed
> #396 Explanation of "advanced" constraint sets is confusing
> #400 Add text to extensibility for consumer of MST
> #402 Allow ondevicechange to be fired before permission is granted or
> any device is opened
> #403 Polling enumerateDevices potentially being a fingerprint.
> #404 Revive createObjectURL?
> #408 Remove unions in MediaTrackCapabilities
> #409 Clarify behavior of using unrelated constraints
> webrtc-pc
> =========
> PRs:
> ----
> #624 Upscale allowed
> #757 Support ufrag in IceCandidate and end of IceCandidate indicator
> #776 Support for OAuth in TURN credentials (Issue 714 patch)
Progress made in the Issue. We should get this one fixed.
> #818 Gathering state cleanup
> #819 Trickle ufrag in ICE candidate events
We should arrange a meeting to discuss.
> #820 createOffer/Answer: collect changes to media cofig in queued steps
> #850 Add Error Handling - Ready for review but prob not done yet
Needs more review. Looks like many new errors are added. Need agreement 
on what we are trying to do (this PR tries to do two things).
ACTION Adam to contact the script coord list to get help.
> #858 getConfiguration should include all of RTCConfiguration
Alternative solution to store the object in an internal slot (works fine 
for get).
> #860 Clarify when removeTrack should throw an exception.
> #861 What setConfiguration changes
Taylor's comments should be addressed. Main question is what can be 
changed and not changed.
> #862 transceiver.stop() effect on transceiver.receiver.track "onended" event
Should the track's ended event be fired? Editors think: not. Bernard to 
update and merge.
#863: Merged.
#864: Merged.
#865: Merged.

Cross referencing between sender, recevier, transceiver would be good. 
Dan to propose adding this to the spec via opening an Issue.
> Issues:
> -------
> 57 of them.

Received on Thursday, 13 October 2016 15:02:58 UTC