Notes Editors meeting 2016-06-09

Short notes:

#365: Replace some PNG images with SVGs: merged

#350: Harald absent
#359: next interim
#360: waiting for a PR, Dan will propose text
#361: closed
#364: Stefan may make a comment

#601: Adam has not worked on this, will close it and create a new one 
based on the latest version
#624: Waiting for Cullen
#647: For next interim
#668: Pinging Taylor
#675: Discussion on-going
#683: For next interim
#694: Merged
#695: Taylor&Adam to review
#696: Merged
#697: Merged

#698: Assigned to Adam
#692: Open PR that will be reviewed
#687 - 690: Assigned to Stefan
#685: Bernard will get to it
#684: Editors can integrate
#678: Identity related. Erik to label all identity related issues as 
"next interim topic", and ask Martin to prepare them to be discussed at 
the Interim.
#671: Note to Harald
#669: In progress
#661: Leave open for now
#658: Dup of #550., but #550 proposes further changes than #658. Thus 
closing #550. Stefan to file JSEP Issue saying "too little detail in 
'addIceCandidate' section".

Thanks all!

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2016 15:08:55 UTC