Agenda, February 25

Here's the usual.

Overarching topics:

- Vivien assures us that echidna can do automatic publishing of WDs from
the gh-pages branch. That means we can continue just like today, but
with the assurance that the WD at will always match the latest
ED. Shall we start it?

- Tonight's interim: be ready to integrate decisions ASAP.

- Permissions: Mounir merged my CL into the permissions spec, so I'll be
writing up the PR for mediacapture-main next.

Pull requests: NONE!!!!!


#305 Use permissions API model for describing permissions? (alvestrand)
In progress.

#314 Stop a remote track has no effect (adam-be)
Adam - status?

#316 MediaTrackSettings/ConstraintSet/Capabilities... should link ()
Need someone to take care of this. The essence of editorial... but must
be done.

#317 Switch getUserMedia permission-rejection to NotAllowedError  ()
I like that. (And nice to know that heycam is actually adding new names
I don't think many check error codes. Volunteer?

Pull requests:

#463 Add more explicit language about transceivers, MIDs and roll
Mergeable? Discussion has died down.

#466 Use an enum to describe directionality of RTP Stream (adam-be)
#467 Use enum for voiceActivityDetection (adam-be)
#471 Use enum for RTCDataChannel’s ordered attribute (adam-be)
No consensus detected on the list.

#494 proposed fix to issue #492 (adam-be)
Now a single-line change. Adam, make the call?

#499 Certificate API: add keygenAlgorithm attribute (aboba)
Need response on the order of "we're reflecting what another API defines"?

#505 Add activateReceiver method to RTCRtpTransceiver ()
aboba, can you answer Peter's comment and say why we need it?

#507 Make the definition of addIceCandidate() more explicit (issu
Some comments from me. None from requested reviewers :-( After telechat?

#515 Remove state check when ICE Agent is initialized (state is p ()
Looks good to me.

#516 Support for DTMF Tones ()

#519 A stab at addressing Issue #478. ()
I renamed it .... it's the "localtrack / encoded stream" issue.


Structured link:

#142 "Hold" unspecified (aboba)
#227 .mid attribute - random or Null when MID is not present in S (fluffy)
#230 Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers ()
#253 Assurance that requests to IdP proxy originate from the user
#257 ICE Candidate should have accessors for protocol-relevant it
#295 Guidance for extending objects vs extending Stats needed (alvestrand)
#296 Debugging ICE problems needs more info (aboba)
#305 Describe what happens when media changes (fluffy)
#332 Timing of ICE gathering  (adam-be)
#336 No definition of "applying an ICE candidate" (adam-be)
#337 Interfacing between WebRTC spec and JSEP (burnburn)
#363 m-line match up doesn't work with RtpSender.mid or RtpTransc
#364 Browser calls close() on failed rollback (pthatcherg)
#369 addTrack's streams parameter is unused. (adam-be)
#375 true as default values for dictionary is bad practice (adam-be)
#389 Should have a "closed" RTCPeerConnectionState (pthatcherg)
#391 Support for DTMF tones A-D (aboba)
#413 Describe what happens to transceivers at rollback (pthatcherg)
#440 Use interfaces not dictionaries (adam-be)
#442 Impossible to know if ICE agent is "finished checking", for  (taylor-b)
#457 Non-normative ICE state transition diagram (aboba)
#478 Clarify relation between a local track's settings and how it (stefhak)
#483 Signaling a=end-of-candidates (aboba)
#492 avoid risk of reentrancy (ShijunS)
#495 File a WebIDL issue to add the DOMException names WebRTC nee (burnburn)
#496 Certificate API: Do we need certificate introspection? (aboba)
#506 Add activateReceiver() method (aboba)
#513 Handling the stopping of a track should be described (adam-be)
#517 Clarify ICE consent freshness feedback ()
#518 PING review of webrtc-pc spec ()

Received on Thursday, 25 February 2016 12:34:17 UTC