- From: Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no>
- Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 14:29:19 +0100
- To: "public-webrtc-editors@w3.org" <public-webrtc-editors@w3.org>
Overarching: Next week's meeting. Anything we need to worry about? Mediacapture-main: Pulls: #313 Extend iframe with a new allowusermedia attribute (issue: #2 (adam-be) #315 Clarify how Capabilites should work () Issues: #268 Iframe sandboxing options for gUM (adam-be) addressed by #313 #296 How to handle known but unsupported constraints (adam-be) Addressed by #315? #305 Use permissions API model for describing permissions? (alvestrand) HTA intending to write a PR matching this. #314 Stop a remote track has no effect () WebRTC-PC: Pulls: #317 Make RTCDataChannels Transferable (stefhak) #445 Make DataChannels Transferable and explain the implications (stefhak) Hm. Close the LATER ones? #463 Add more explicit language about transceivers, MIDs and roll (pthatcherg) #466 Use an enum to describe directionality of RTP Stream (adam-be) #467 Use enum for voiceActivityDetection (adam-be) #471 Use enum for RTCDataChannel’s ordered attribute (adam-be) Discussion on list. Doesn't feel like resolution yet. #475 Definition of Active for an RTCRtpReceiver (pthatcherg) #494 proposed fix to issue #492 (adam-be) #499 Certificate API: add keygenAlgorithm attribute () #500 Reserve and use RangeError for scaleResolutionDownBy < 1.0. () #503 Fix "transeceivers" typos () #504 Add getParameters() method to RTCRtpReceiver (pthatcherg) #505 Add activateReceiver method to RTCRtpTransceiver () #507 Make the definition of addIceCandidate() more explicit (issu () #508 Fix typos relating to RTCRtpSender objects. () #509 RID unmodifiable in setParameters() () #510 Gather spec text about the ICE Agent at one place (also fixe () Issues: Categorized list: https://www.w3.org/Tools/gh-dashboard/?repo=w3c%2Fwebrtc-pc&template=templates%2Flabel-state.html Uncategorized list: #142 "Hold" unspecified (aboba) #227 .mid attribute - random or Null when MID is not present in S (fluffy) #230 Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers () #244 set{Local|Remote}Description is underspecified (alvestrand) #253 Assurance that requests to IdP proxy originate from the user (martinthomson) #257 ICE Candidate should have accessors for protocol-relevant it (alvestrand) #295 Guidance for extending objects vs extending Stats needed (alvestrand) #296 Debugging ICE problems needs more info (aboba) #305 Describe what happens when media changes (fluffy) #331 Creating an ICE agent is not defined (adam-be) #332 Timing of ICE gathering (adam-be) #336 No definition of "applying an ICE candidate" (adam-be) #337 Interfacing between WebRTC spec and JSEP (burnburn) #363 m-line match up doesn't work with RtpSender.mid or RtpTransc (pthatcherg) #364 Browser calls close() on failed rollback (pthatcherg) #369 addTrack's streams parameter is unused. (adam-be) #375 true as default values for dictionary is bad practice (adam-be) #389 Should have a "closed" RTCPeerConnectionState (pthatcherg) #391 Remove DTMF tones A-D (aboba) #413 Describe what happens to transceivers at rollback (pthatcherg) #415 Add activateSender() method (pthatcherg) #440 Use interfaces not dictionaries (adam-be) #442 Impossible to know if ICE agent is "finished checking", for (taylor-b) #457 Non-normative ICE state transition diagram (aboba) #473 Section 5.2.4: Definition of Active for an RTCRtpReceiver (aboba) #478 Clarify relation between a local track's settings and how it (stefhak) #483 Signaling a=end-of-candidates (aboba) #492 avoid risk of reentrancy (ShijunS) #493 can't use MUST on scaleResolutionDownBy input (burnburn) #495 File a WebIDL issue to add the DOMException names WebRTC nee (burnburn) #496 Certificate API: Do we need certificate introspection? (aboba) #497 RID as read-only in setParameters() (aboba) #506 Add activateReceiver() method (aboba) #511 The 'set a configuration' algorithm should modify a 'connect ()
Received on Thursday, 18 February 2016 13:29:52 UTC