Slides with missing content

Going through the slide deck here:

The following slides are missing content:

- Slide 7: Issue 720 (assignee: aboba) / PR 738 (unassigned) - getting
the fingerprint of an RTCCertificate
- Slide 8: Issue 726 (assignee: aboba) - Add a ufrag attribute to
- Slide 9: Issue 732 (assignee: adam-be) - replaceTrack with the
previous one as Ended
- Slide 17: Issue 714 (assignee: aboba) - STUN/TURN OAuth token auth
parameter handover
- Slide 18: Issue 729 (assignee: aboba) - RTCStats timestamp source

Bernard, do you need help?
Stefan, is adam still OOO? Who should pick up 732?

Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Monday, 22 August 2016 21:19:23 UTC