Re: Notes, April 21, 2016

On 21/04/2016 17:04, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
>> Mediacapture-main
>> =============
> NOte: Travis seems to error out on warnings. Should it?

It normally should (as a -Wall type of sanity check); but with the
recent change where respec warns on old-school WebIDL, I have had to
disable it.

As a side note, Vivien and I have reworked quite a bit the Travis set up
over the past two days due to a recent non-backwards compatible change
in the respec toolchain; things should be OK now, but do let us know if
anything weird occurs.

If anybody use webrtc-respec-ci on their local version of the spec, they
should look at updating it (and run a make update).

> Conflict in the changelog. Merge-ready.
> Suggestion: Tell people to suggest a changelog entry in the PR rather
> than adding it themselves.

FWIW, I usually don't provide changelog entries; but in this case,
master was in a Travis-unhappy state because of an empty
<ul><li></li></ul> in the would-be changelog since April, and the only
way to make it happy on PRs was to add something in that <li>.

So I would add another suggestion: never leave master in a
Travis-unhappy state :)


Received on Friday, 22 April 2016 15:43:41 UTC