Agenda, November 19

Here's the usual.

Overarching items:

- New CI setup. Does it look good? (If so, merge #275 to
mediacapture-main, #315 to webrtc-pc)
- Permissions discussion for getusermedia (sandbox, iframe, model).
- It's time to push another set. The discrepancies with last editors'
draft are getting irritating.

Mediacapture-main PRs:

#266 Add detailed steps for removeTrack() (aboba)

This has also accumulated the fix for #249/#250 - is this OK? (I think yes)

#272 Fix applyConstraints steps to avoid unused var and bail on r ()

#273 Mention stored permissions in text about stopping sources (f ()
LGTM - Adam?

#275 Use new Travis CI set up ()
See above

Mediacapture-main issues:

#193 How is adaptive frame rate to be handled? (aboba)
#238 Some text on constraints needs updating. (burnburn)
#242 Management of track members in a stream (aboba)
#244 Explain how extensions are to be done (burnburn)
#246 track.applyConstraints() doesn't do anything. (burnburn)
#248 Conflicting information about OverconstrainedError.constrain (burnburn)
#249 PING: Document tradeoff for non-HTTPS usage of getUserMedia (aboba)
#250 PING: Refer to security-arch on the MUST inside Best Practic (aboba)
#257 Non-existent constraints attribute in 4.3.2 (burnburn)
#267 Permission model for cross-origin iframes (adam-be)
#268 Iframe sandboxing options for gUM (adam-be)
#269 Inconsistency in releasing permissions for a source (adam-be)
#271 Track changes on cloned streams (stefhak)
#274 Need description of semantics of multivalued "exact" string  ()

Webrtc-PC PRs:

#266 Tidy up setLocal/RemoteDescription processing model (adam-be)
Still conflicts and no review (since sept 24). Sigh. Suggest fix & merge
on our own cognizance.

#315 Reorganize travis setup to use centralized check script
See above. LGTM.

#317 Make RTCDataChannels Transferable ()
Waiting for EKR

#349 Defining RTCIceCandidateInformation, which inherits from RTC
LGTM? Not sure if dictionary-valued attributes are allowed.

#350 RTCRtpSender support objects -> interfaces (dontcallmedom)

#351 FrozenArray for interface, sequence for dictionary ()
Travis barks at the FrozenArray, probably wrongly.

#353 Plan X: Add an API for using RID to do simulcast ()

#357 Making RTCRtpTransceiver properties SameObject ()

#361 Adding setCodecPreferences to RTCRtpTransceiver ()

#365 Adding an accessor for the browser-configured ICE servers ()
Another FrozenArray bark from Travis. Ignore?

#368 FIx a bunch of markup issues ()

#371 Add RtcpMuxPolicy ()

#376 Use "media description" instead of "m-line" ()

#380 Another bunch of editorial fixes ()
Why has RTPTransceiverInit moved away from RTPTransceiver?

#385 Don't invoke public API in legacy function section (Issue #3 ()

#394 don't throw on empty iceServers list. ()

#396 Fix formatting of Sections 5.2 - 5.6 ()
New try. Merge?

Webrtc-PC issues:

We need to start assigning issues from #257.

#8 Need to add public to RTCIceTransports (alvestrand)
#133 Streams that become isolated generate errors on PC ()
#140 DataChannel.onerror callback needs an error argument specifi (burnburn)
#142 "Hold" unspecified (aboba)
#150 when closing, all outstanding actions are cancelled and thei (adam-be)
#151 close is synchronous & idempotent (aboba)
#179 Potentially private IP addresses revealed (alvestrand)
#224 Not clear when responding PeerConnection reaches iceconnecti
#227 .mid attribute - random or Null when MID is not present in S (stefhak)
#230 Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers ()
#244 set{Local|Remote}Description is underspecified (alvestrand)
#246 RTCIceCandidate's sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex members (alvestrand)
#251 Update RTCTrackEvent to use FrozenArray<> (martinthomson)
#253 Assurance that requests to IdP proxy originate from the user
#257 ICE Candidate should have accessors for protocol-relevant it ()
#263 over riding default ice servers ()
#265 Add Privacy/security review questions ()
#267 Need a bitrate definition ()
#275 RTCStatsReport seems broken ()
#277 Side-effects of mitigations for #179 in demo pages  ()
#286 The "consumer of the session description” conflicts with ter ()
#287 nit: "audio stream” and “video stream" mentions (burnburn)
#295 Guidance for extending objects vs extending Stats needed (alvestrand)
#296 Debugging ICE problems needs more info (aboba)
#305 Describe what happens when media changes (alvestrand)
#308 RTCRtpSender.get/setParameters is underspecified (adam-be)
#312 We should not reference the public API in algorithms (adam-be)
#316 Don't use Interface.attribute to refer to properties of inst (adam-be)
#319 Work through error definitions (burnburn)
#328 RTCBundlePolicy Enum section should not be non-normative ()
#329 "none" as a RTCIceCredentialType ()
#330 Get rid of RTCAnswerOptions? ()
#331 Creating an ICE agent is not defined ()
#332 Timing of ICE gathering  ()
#334 Consider using the streams API for DataChannel instead of ba ()
#335 DOMError is removed from the platform; use DOMException inst ()
#336 No definition of "applying an ICE candidate" ()
#337 Interfacing between WebRTC spec and JSEP ()
#338 specify what parts of the SDP can be changed between the cre ()
#339 Parsing stun/turn URLs ()
#340 `RTCPriorityType` not aligned with names in rtcweb-transport ()
#344 Should references to RFC5506 and  RFC3550 be normative? ()
#348 RTCRtpSender section doesn't include the definition for RTCR ()
#352 Sections 5.2 - 5.6 are a tossed salad (aboba)
#358 Remove mid from sender/receiver ()
#359 Set a priori codec preferences ()
#363 m-line match up doesn't work with RtpSender.mid or RtpTransc ()
#364 Browser calls close() on failed rollback ()
#369 addTrack's streams parameter is unused. ()
#370 Add drop option for RTCDegradationPreference  ()
#373 peerIdentity and certificates are unused in setConfiguration ()
#375 true as default values for dictionary is bad practice ()
#377 is `audioLevel` in `RTCRtpContributingSource` positive or ne ()
#378 `getRemoteCertificates()` is ill-defined ()
#382 Rejecting unallowed changes to configuration ()
#383 Keep event handler attribute descriptions simle (don't speci ()
#384 should "none" be a recognized value in RTCIceTransportPolicy ()
#386 Certificates expiry? ()
#388 Section 10.1 (Simple Peer-to-peer Example) should explicitly ()
#389 Should have a "closed" RTCPeerConnectionState ()
#390 Ambiguous type of `ssrc` identifier; DOMString or unsigned l ()
#391 Remove DTMF tones A-D ()
#392 Language for onnegotiationneeded is incomplete/inconsistent. ()
#393 Why throw on empty iceServers list? ()
#395 getRemoteCertificates() should return a sequence of base64 D ()

Received on Thursday, 19 November 2015 12:17:43 UTC