Agenda Editors call July 1 2015

Harald usually does this, but since he's vacation here's my attempt:

- Time to add Peter to the list of Editors in document?


#181 - waiting for #194 to land
#194 - we've notified Dominic and Allen, merge?
#199 Change ended event: rewrite planned

#118 Waiting for Cullen to take to list
#127 in ice box
#161 we should close given PR#171 has landed?
#162 MediaStreamError
#176 Adam, what's the status
#189 List discussion, agreement between Jan-Ivar and Adam, what's next?
#192 List discussion proposed - but should probably be closed as we see 
this going into an extension spec
#193 Can this be assigned to Dan?
#197 Joe has token
#198 Ditto
#201 Adam, any input?

WebRTC 1.0
Mail sent to initiate scoping discussion, we'll see where that leads.

#29 Any update Peter?
#236 Adam?
#237 Waiting for Jan-Ivar to respond
#238 Close (Peter has created #247 to replace this one)
#240 Peter
#241 Any list discussion?
#247 Merge?
#248 Merge?

33 open - let's see if we get there

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2015 10:59:57 UTC