Re: Constrant question (ping Dan)

On 2015-12-05 04:29, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> Den 04. des. 2015 21:04, skrev Adam Bergkvist:
>> Hmm.. After taking an other look at the MediaTrackCapabilites dictionary
>> again I noted that it looks like:
>> (double or DoubleRange) frameRate;
>> So it's not a ConstrainDouble (where exact lives).
>> So I guess it needs to be same max and min for now.
> Actually "double or DoubleRange" means that you need to show:
> aspcectRatio: 1.33333333333
> to show that there can be a naked value in capabilities (and you need to
> show it to the limit of precision of a double).
> In capabilities, it means "can only do this exact value", not "want
> something like this".

A little while after I sent my previous mail, I came to the exact same 
conclusion. But you beat me to it. :)


Received on Saturday, 5 December 2015 07:23:36 UTC