Notes: Editor's meeting Aug 13

On 13/08/15 08:24, Stefan Håkansson LK wrote:
> General items:
> =============

Need to get thoughts together about Media Cap TF and the Timed Media WG 
- should have something intelligent by TPAC

Media Output - we've have not defined that yet according to Jan-Ivar. 
Output devices are already part of enumDevices, should not roll that 
part back.

> -
> getUserMedia
> ============
> Really good progress!
> PRs
> ---
> Only four open!
> #211 enumerateDevices -> capabilities: discussion not settled.

Harald to take it to the list - so far only github lovers have commented.

> #219 persist Id only after gUM grant: Assigned to Peter

Peter to look into, and hopefully merge. Will make a comment regarding 
the questionnaire.

> #226 typedef MediaStreamError as an object

Dan will adjust link and merge.

> #228 Use WebIDL [SameObject] extended attribute


> Issues
> ------
> Most are either long term stuff (and sometimes out of our hands) or tied
> to a PR.
> We could talk about
> #162, #189 Error: close now that PRs 214-217 have landed?

#162 closed (#189 not related.)

#189: Adam to send a mail to the script coordination group to see if 
they think this is a good idea. If so, we could ask J-I to create a PR.

Harald to ask Dom to add J-I to list of people we can assign tasks to.

> #193 framerate: Harald, how should we treat this one?

Harald will send a note to the list to get a discussion.

> #204 SameObject: tied to PR 228 (?)


> #218 Persist deviceId: close now that PR #219 has landed?

Peter will close once PR #219 i merged.

> #222 GroupId

Assigned to Stefan to initiate list discussion

> #225 tracks vs. sinks

Assigned to Dan

> #227 overconstrained update

Already assigned to Dan.

> LC comments
> -----------
> Anything to discuss?

Several waiting on action from Harald.

> WebRTC 1.0
> ==========

Harald expects text to be proposed by someone on the IP address things. 
Harald will ping Ekr and Peter T.

Adam is looking into the setLocal/Remote algos (not very consistent any 

> Let's continue dealing with open PRs, and report status on the assigned
> ones.

#26: Peter will look into this tomorrow, and formulate a proposal.

#222: Adam has not had time to look into this yet, will do for next week.

#240: Re-assigned to Dan

#241: Re-assigned to Adam

Received on Thursday, 13 August 2015 15:07:53 UTC