Re: Vacation timing?

Happy birthday!

As we talked about on the call last week, it would be good to land (gUM) 
#216 and #217. I like to proposed note for #217, with that added, do you 
think it could be merged now? Dan, any opinion?


On 03/08/15 17:01, Peter Saint-Andre - &yet wrote:
> This Thursday is my birthday so I've decided to take a long weekend and
> won't be online Thursday. However, I'll work to finish some additional
> tasks before then.
> On 6/26/15 8:36 AM, Peter Saint-Andre - &yet wrote:
>> July 20: Business trip, probably available
>> August 3: At ClueCon, probably available
>> No vacations scheduled for me...
>> On 6/26/15 7:56 AM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
>>> Just to keep everyone updated: When do people have vacation this summer?
>>> To start off - me:
>>> Week of (all Mondays):
>>> June 29: Vacation
>>> July 6: Vacation
>>> July 13: Working
>>> July 20: IETF
>>> July 27: Vacation
>>> August 3: Vacation
>>> August 10: Back at work
>>> What about the rest of the gang?

Received on Tuesday, 4 August 2015 08:55:32 UTC