Re: ReSpec WebIDL authoring

Den 23. april 2015 13:21, skrev Stefan Håkansson LK:
> On 23/04/15 10:55, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
>> On 23/04/2015 10:46, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
>>> The following aspects of WebIDL are not currently supported and are not
>>> yet tested for:
>>> * Static, inherit, stringifier attributes. <--- We use stringifier
>>> * Static operations
>>> * IDL wrapping (what's this?)
>>> * Special operations (what's this?)
>>> * Union types
>>> * partial dictionaries  <--- We use partial dictionaries, I think.
>>> Support for these features will likely be added later.
>>> Suggestion:
>>> - We won't switch getusermedia (unless someone volunteers for the work)
>>> - We'll switch webrtc when all the features we need are supported, and
>>> someone else assures us it all works for them.
>> OK; note that if we do indeed converge on that plan, I can also look
>> into adding the said features to respec/webidl2.js so that this happens
>> sooner rather than later.
> That would be great. In terms of guinea pigs, we have much smaller specs 
> in our stable, like "capture from DOM element", "audio output" and 
> others. Since they are much smaller, perhaps we could start on one of 
> them and get feedback from the editor?

Checking:  does the webidl-checker we run in Travis work on both the old
and the new styles of WebIDL?

>>> For some reason github refuses to show me diffs on the CL you linked to.
>> Right; that's an illustration of how big the changes were :)
>> Dom

Received on Thursday, 23 April 2015 11:29:12 UTC