Re: Error types (Re: Notes, April 16)

On Apr 22, 2015, at 2:43 AM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:

> Den 21. april 2015 21:42, skrev Dan Burnett:
>>>> #140 declaration for error type: Dan - need to make sure we have
>>>> consistent errors.
>> Not sure how I got assigned this fun one, but I guess that's what I get for having to drop off 10 mins early :)  This is now looking like a more comprehensive change, in both specs perhaps.
> We have a bug (from Anne I believe) to make sure we do the right thing
> on getusermedia wrt errors. Our stance of "we declare what we want to
> have, and wait for the webidl / ecmascript landscape to stop moving"
> seems to have been the right one.

Yes, that's what I was referring to.  In the case of the gUM spec it's a single new Error "subclass", but for the WebRTC spec we currently have several:
- RTCIdentityError (possibly modified to differentiate idpassertionerror from idpvalidationerror)
- possibly a new RTCIceCandidateError for the TBDs there
- InvalidSessionDescriptionError, IncompatibleSessionDescriptionError, IncompatibleConstraintsError, and InternalError.  Any of these we keep would need RTC prefixes.

At this point I'm thinking I should
- email the Media Cap list with a pointer to Domenic's suggestion for MediaStreamError as a sanity check on the approach of defining custom Error subclasses as Domenic describes.  The change itself can then be a pull request before it goes in.
- provide the list of new Error subclasses I think we need for WebRTC on the webrtc list, with a ref to the Media Cap email as an example of how it can be done.  Assuming there is general agreement on the list, I (and/or others) can then create one or more PRs for the changes that can be reviewed before they go in.


Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 08:25:03 UTC