- From: Amelia Bellamy-Royds <amelia.bellamy.royds@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:02:13 -0600
- To: Doug Schepers <schepers@w3.org>
- Cc: "public-webplatform@w3.org" <public-webplatform@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAFDDJ7y2PFNRQk5J4XyBG2373cTPcvs5RDNxG1Ww2tDWac3Nqw@mail.gmail.com>
Chairing: shepazu Scribenick AmeliaBR Also on the phone: jensimmons, julee, renoirb (and possibly lurkers who didn't talk, or possibly just errors with the phone system making it sound like more people were joining. Or the Phantom of the Zakim Phone Bridge...) FIRST TOPIC: Updates on Active issues AmeliaBR: On QASprint, some people are still working, but I'll send out a reminder email this week, to try to get this done. shepazu: Where are we now? AmeliaBR: 2600+ done, approx 1700 left (although some of those are in other languages) JenSimmons: On the Project management tool, Julee and I have been working, and Amelia joined for an "epic" session on Friday ...we're still working on things, trying to get things sorted and figure out the best way to do what we want to do, so once that's finalized we'll want to present to everyone. We don't want to present the details now since we might still change our minds. ...The other thing we're doing is going through all the existing open tickets, deciding if they're still relevant, and moving them into the new organization system. Many of what's left is low-priority, but they are still relevant. <@renoirb> Thx jensimmons https://github.com/webplatform/fxa-content-server/commit/652734268cbf30c6080de4422e2e4ef8d8e05a02 ...The moving is important. We're going from 13 separate projects to two project streams. When this system is working, it should be a lot easier to track what we're doing and monitor what needs to be done, instead of having emails get lost as you get busy. I think Renoirb had been using the system, but no one else really had been. ...We should start using this tool instead of phone calls and emails to keep on track. shepazu: anything to add, julee julee: Just that we're still working on it. shepazu: I want to add, you mentioned that discussion should be in the system instead of on these calls. I also think we should then organize the agenda of these calls based on the issue tracker. jensimmons: Exactly. Maybe I didn't explain things clearly. The calls would be a chance to open up and decide priorities and what we're going to do about the issues. ...Also, to keep things running there would need to be a sort of project manager to keep things organized. We've talked about setting up a regular triage team to go through new issues. shepazu: Not to say too much until it's finalized, but I am working on trying to get us a part-time project manager. But I think a triage team would also be important. ...This system will be great, to help us keep track and organize everything, when we've got lots of competing priorities and things get shifted around. jensimmons: Yeah, I think there is some efficiency lost currently in this team, when we come back to an issue and have to re-hash what our decisions were, what our priorities were. Having it all documented will avoid repeating. And for new people, it is easier to find out what is going on, what our priorities are. shepazu: And to have a place to file a bug. It will be great to have this up and running. ...so that we can all complain about what's wrong with it and argue for the next few years! <@renoirb> Compat tables templates notes in this Gist: https://gist.github.com/WebPlatformDocs/80df05fcefeb488a38b5 shepazu: On the compatibility tables, renoirb and I have been working on making the data Live, to the end user, and not just to us working in the back of the database. ...Renoirb has got us most of the way to actually deploying the templates. The last step is to tie the templates to a form, so that editors can change the data key/token that is used to retrieve the data, in case it doesn't match the name of the page. Overtime, we can shift the names in the JSON data to match our pages, but for now we want to make sure we have a way to edit it. ...Renoirb: remind me, in the CSS property pages, we can already see the live data? <@renoirb> e.g. http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties/border#Compatibility_2 <@renoirb> Sorry, got confused, the right one is http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties/border#Compatibility renoirb: yes, in the properties. We could do it in the selectors, but the name might not always match, shepazu: So we're going to work on it. I might ask Eliezerb to do that. julee: You should contact him directly to confirm he's not on vacation. <@renoirb> Note that each table can be accessed like this too http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Special:Compatables?topic=css&feature=border-radius&format=table as a Canonical way to grab the table view <@renoirb> or raw, http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Special:Compatables?topic=css&feature=border-radius&format=table&foresi=1 NEW TOPIC: Upcoming Events shepazu: An update on Brazil. I have been talking with the W3C's partner office, they've agreed to fly me down to lead a DocSprint. What do we want them to work on? AmeliaBR: When's the date? shepazu: Late August. AmeliaBR: Too soon for me to get SVG ready for a sprint. julee: With the readiness markers, we could just suggest people to work on "Almost Ready" pages, make them ready. shepazu: The other thing that's coming up late August is the SVG/Web Graphics conference. I have a forum to speak there, we could try to arrange something to encourage participation. AmeliaBR: I can keep in touch with you about the templates work, and see if we can get a system ready so that we can encourage people to contribute to a functioning database. julee: The other thing is, that there will be a lot of design agencies and people interested in SVG, and just to get them involved in preparing examples and other ideas. shepazu: I'll be meeting with the SVG working group in London prior to the conference in Winchester. I might try to set up an intro to SVG workshop. julee: I was also thinking of pairing up with good designers, who are already working with SVG, to try to use some of the content. <@julee> ^— I was also thinking of pairing up good designers with devs & editors who are working on SVG specs/features, to try to use some of the content. NEW TOPIC: Index pages AmeliaBR: There was a note on the email list, pointing out some of the usual problems with design but also suggesting an improvement. If people can look at what we combined came up with for the DOM page, then decide if we should do the same for the other top-level pages <+AmeliaBR> http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/dom jensimmons: I think this is great. Can we do this for all the ugly index tables? julee: Long term, we might want to make a ticket to even shorten it further based on data about which objects are most used. AmeliaBR: I can definitely roll this out to the other top-level pages this week. Getting a more generic template that can be used anywhere will take time. shepazu: Thanks for this. And thanks to Austin Wright for getting this started. julee: And this would be a great topic for a blog post, community involvement and so on. <@renoirb> +1 blog post! AmeliaBR: I can do that. I might bounce ideas off of you. I was also thinking, once the QA Review is done, that there should be a blog post with an update of where we stand, as far as how many articles are Ready to Use or Almost Ready, etc. ...Those are really separate ideas, though. shepazu: Two short blog posts makes sense. <@renoirb> Thanks julee and Jen for the work on the issue tracker! (Meeting adjourned early for once!) <@renoirb> Thanks AmeliaBR for scribing !! On 22 July 2014 10:27, Doug Schepers <schepers@w3.org> wrote: > We'll have a Webplatform Docs community call today, 22 July 2014. > The call will take place at 1700UTC (13:00 ET / 10:00 PT), on the regular > phone line and IRC channel [2]. > > Telcon Info: > Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 > VOIP: sip:zakim@voip.w3.org > Conference code: 3627 ("DOCS") > IRC Channel: #webplatform > > Anyone can call in free of charge by using a SIP client [3]. The meeting > minutes will be made public. > > Can I get a volunteer to scribe? > > Agenda: > * QA Sprint > * Issue tracker and TODOs > * CompaTables templates > * Review of open action items > * Any other topics? > > > [1] http://everytimezone.com/#2014-6-17,1700 > [2] http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Meetings > [3] http://www.w3.org/2006/tools/wiki/Zakim-SIP > > Regards– > –Doug > > > > > > >
Received on Tuesday, 22 July 2014 18:02:42 UTC