- From: Amelia Bellamy-Royds <amelia.bellamy.royds@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 12:19:53 -0600
- To: List WebPlatform public <public-webplatform@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAFDDJ7zxpyB53_1Zf4ifw0LMxHx=2Q_rO743xgSbzsKNKw02BA@mail.gmail.com>
If anyone who wasn't at the meeting is able to help this week with (a) modifying templates to get the new compatibility data to display, get in touch with shepazu (b) more work on the QA Review, get in touch with me (AmeliaBR) Meeting notes, 15 July 2014: Chaired by Doug Schepers (shepazu), scribed by Amelia Bellamy-Royds (AmeliaBR) In attendence: Doug / shepazu Renoirb jensimmons julee eliot Alex AmeliaBR First TOPIC: recap of Monday meeting about re-tooling the Issues tracker ...see Julee's email for details ( http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webplatform/2014Jul/0067.html ) NEXT TOPIC: Compatibility tables Shepazu: we're live. Since renoirb did most of the work, can he explain? renoirb: There was the fault we noticed in testing, that some data was being lost because of duplicate keys. We've therefore changed the data structure to use sub-objects as folders to separate out these elements. That required changes to the mediawiki extension. You need to specify the top-level "folder" topic. <@renoirb> updated: docs.webplatform.org/compat/data.json <@renoirb> docs.webplatform.org/compat/data-human.json ... I also updated the compatibility data & human-readable version (links ^^) <@renoirb> https://github.com/webplatform/compatibility-data <@renoirb> http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties/border-radius julee: Are you saying that, right now, on the website, this information is not available on the website, but the data is somewhere in the background, which you consider "live"? renoirb: The templates need to be changed... <@renoirb> <compatability feature="css/border-radius" format="table"></compatability> shepazu: Briefly, what Julee said is correct. The templates need to be changed to use the information in the database. renoirb: What I meant by "live" is that it is available on the main wiki server, and once the templates are changed they can access the data. ...On some of the pages, like the CSS properties, the template is already available. But if someone could step in and work on the templates. <@renoirb> http://docs.webplatform.org/test/Template:CSS_Property shepazu: Is there someone who can do that this week? I could try to do that, <@renoirb> feature="css/border-raidus' renoirb: this link on the test wiki already has the working template. All we need is to change the template so it is possible to over-ride the topic (database keys) that the template uses to access the database. Sometimes our name is not the same as the MDN. jensimmons: Not to get too deep in the details, but I think this is a top priority. It's almost done, and if we can get it finished that would be awesome. <@renoirb> shepazu, e.g feature="css/pseudo-active" <@renoirb> http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/selectors/pseudo-classes/:active shepazu: I agree with Jen. Renoirb and I can talk about this later and figure it out. It doesn't sound like too much work. shepazu: one last thing on this topic. The MDN folks are also working on improving their compatibility data. As a gesture of good faith, we should let them know that we have a normalized version of their data, and it's available to support their own efforts to improve. And longer term, we'll be integrating caniuse and other data, like the test suites. NEXT TOPIC: QASprint shepazu: apologies for not working on it myself AmeliaBR: our current stats is slightly more than half done: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Projects/QASprints/2014-june ...not where we hoped to be, but with people chugging away maybe we can get it done by the end of the month. shepazu: Julee, you did all of yours in one batch in a few hours Julee: yes, but most of mine were definitely "Not ready" so it was easy to do, except for those in other languages AmeliaBR: yes, we'll have to figure those out separately shepazu: It's mid-July, can we make another push for everyone to get this done eliot: Just FYI, we do have Dave Gash working on whatever WPD priority we chose, which is currently the QA Review NEXT TOPIC: Quick update on Single Sign On shepazu: renoirb still's working on. One change this week was suspending the Hypothesis annotations system because of confusions from the sign-on and problems with the number of external resources it was pulling in. ...I'm not sure how easy it will be to streamline that jensimmons: It's fairly easy to compile multiple CSS files into one with SASS shepazu: So long as we can still maintain separate branches on the backend. We'd like to get down to one CSS file for the whole site shepazu: On the Single Sign On, renoirb's having problems with getting the annotation system to work. Security restrictions in Internet Explorer are causing problems. They (developers at Hypothesis) are working on this, and we're working with them. Currently, you could leave annotations, but they wouldn't "anchor" properly to the page. ...thanks to Eliot, who has got me in touch with the Microsoft guys, but they don't see an easy work-around either. OTHER BUSINESS: shepazu: welcome back Alex. Any points? Alex: One question: would it be possible to retrieve a structured JSON feed of all the CSS properties and data? The Chrome Dev team would love to have access to this... <@renoirb> Alex: http://docs.webplatform.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=logevents&letype=newusers&leprop=timestamp|title|user|userid&lelimit=40&format=json Renoirb: Yeah, we could talk about this shepazu: I think it should be possible. Can we follow up on this next week? eliot: Can we conduct this discussion on the public list? I would be interested as well, and I think a lot of people would be interested in an API to our content julee: We did something like this last year, in Brackets, our code is in Github. We only pulled in Summaries, getting it at the JSON object level ...one other thing we did that was interesting; we pulled the data all into our own database first, for security reasons, instead of working with live data from WPD renoirb: that would be a performance issue ...I'll do a search into what you did with Brackets, and mention it in my email shepazu: that was one of the goals of this project, to make WPD data available. ...Anything else? ...This is the doldrums of the summer months, not a lot of DocSprints, but this is a good time to work on infrastructure and thanks for everyone who's been doing that julee: One issue, you talked about annotations. There's a comments system on the site right now, are you going to get rid of that? shepazu: Yes. We might try to import those to the new system, or we might just delete them. Most are out of date. ...one of the problems with that system was there was no notification when people left a comment, so nothing really happened unless you saw that page. julee: while looking through, I think there are a number of valid comments still there. If we can keep that content in the new system, it would be great shepazu: certainly. If your smell test was that comments are valid then we can set up a script to import them julee: Sure. If that's easy. Most of the comments were "good but minor" -- typos, or newbie questions that suggest an editor should explain things better shepazu: I think the first thing is to assess how hard it would be to import them. It's good not to throw away people's contributions ...of course, one benefit of the new system is that there will be a way to tag things as minor issues/typos/question to be answered on the page content jensimmons: I want to advocate for simplicity. There is also, under "Tools" button/menu, the "Discussion" link AmeliaBR: ...which leads to the Mediawiki talk pages. Which we don't use, but there are about a dozen pages that have comments on them jensimmons: we need to get rid of that. With annotations back in, that's three separate comment systems. renoirb: thanks for mentioning this, I want to do this on the next mediawiki upgrade. Also the welcome email. If anyone wants to work on these, let me know. shepazu: Another idea, that has long been put on the back burner, is Q&A. Other parts of W3 have been using a discourse server (made by people who created StackOverflow), and it would be great to have better integration with the specs work at W3 with WPD shepazu: It's great to have community volunteers, but I don't think I've successfully communicated with the people working on specs how they can use WPD to get information out to developers, focusing on practical information. That will be a focus for the next year, I've got support from the CO. julee: what's the exact spelling/link? <@renoirb> http://discourse.specifiction.org/ julee: does it also manage communities? It looks like there are users with replies and posts and topics. Does it have the backend to manage that? shepazu: I honestly can't say I've looked into it that deeply. I just wanted to mention it as possible future collaboration. <@renoirb> Its using http://www.discourse.org/ <@renoirb> an open source project julee: it's just that we've talked before about better community management, so I was wondering if that might be the way renoirb: When I have more information, I'll prepare something and we can talk about it. shepazu: If there's nothing else, thanks everyone. We'll continue with the QA and preparing the compatibility table templates.
Received on Tuesday, 15 July 2014 18:20:21 UTC