Automatic JavaScript pages listing

Hey everyone!

One of the remaining issues from the JavaScript pages import was to make
the list of functions, properties and methods work automatically, instead
of having links within the content - Something that Semantic MediaWiki can
easily do for us since we have a content structure defined.

Accomplishing this task required the creation of new templates and semantic
properties to better organize the different types of JavaScript's pages.
For example, the listing of sub pages can only be present when we're
dealing with an object; it is necessary to categorize the remaining pages
as function, method or property and still allow the pages that do not fit
these categories to continue to work properly.

After a few days of work, and after passing through the Frozenice's review,
we developed a way of categorizing these pages, and conduct the listing by
sematic queries.

To do that was used a semantic form field (radio button) to categorize the
pages in:
* JS Basic
* JS Object
* JS Property
* JS Function
* JS Method

Then it was determined that: JS Object will have sections for automatic
listing of sub pages; JS Property, JS Function and JS Method will allow the
choice of other objects (beyond that which are children) for which could be
applied through a multiple selection box.

Note : Some methods belonging to the Object are also applied to other
objects, this will allow us to list them on different pages.

Before this system came into operation, the links, and surplus contents
were inserted into a field called "Main Content", which we will delete once
we have moved all objects to the automatic listing model. However, some
other sections were also inserted within it, such as "Exceptions", so we
should also move this information to the appropriate section ("Remarks" or
"Usage notes" or another that best suits).

Gradually the pages will be categorized and the listing will work. Right
now, the Array [1] page is the first to be in operation. Soon more pages
will be adequate. If anyone has any comments, suggestion, critic, or have
noticed some non-normal behavior, please let me know .

Thanks a lot!




Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 19:28:31 UTC