Re: Depreciated Presentation Attributes.

(see below)

On 8 August 2014 22:55, Rob^_^ <> wrote:
> for depreciated presentational attributes (align, cellspacing,
> cellpadding, valign, halign, bkcolor, etc), should there be a big.
> “*Depreciated: Use CSS instead* “
> warning?

I don't know about "big", but this information should be clearly indicated
in multiple places:

   - the summary should clearly mention that the element/attribute is
   - the Standardization Status field should be set to deprecated, and
   - the main description should explain why it is deprecated and what
   authors should use instead.

(P.S., Note that the standard term in W3 is "deprecated", not
"depreciated", see )

For the summary, I'm not sure which style is preferred (existing summaries
use all these styles) :

Deprecated.  The <code>align</code> attribute  sets the horizontal
alignment of text in a table.

The deprecated <code>align</code> attribute sets the horizontal alignment
of text in a table.

The <code>align</code> attribute sets the horizontal alignment of text in a
table. Its use is deprecated as of HTML 4.

I.e., Whether to have the word up-front as it's own statement (the way we
mark read-only properties), whether it should be part of the sentence
describing the item, or whether it should be an extra sentence at the end.

This might be a good time to decide on a standard style that we can include
in the style guide.  (I've been meaning to add a paragraph to the style
guide about summaries, anyway...)

Anyone have an opinion on which to use?


P.S.  Sorry if you all got an empty email from me...  As if I don't already
send *enough* emails to this list!

Received on Saturday, 9 August 2014 15:08:39 UTC