FYI: CSS grid layout module docs

Hi all,

I've been assigned to update the CSS grid layout articles in WPD. The current
W3C spec <> is quite recent (Sept.
10) and is basically a moving target, so the WPW
list is understandably out of date. This note is to let everyone know that
I'm working on the group of articles and how I plan to proceed.

In the WPW table there are completed articles that refer to properties no
longer in the spec, stub articles that refer to properties not in the spec,
and missing articles that should be added per the spec. Thus, in order to
do a complete and accurate treatment of grid layout, various WPW table
entries need to be added, changed, and removed.

To start, I'll note in the following articles' summaries that they are no
longer in the spec, mark the articles as deletion candidates, and note that
status in their WPW table entries:
* grid-definition-columns
* grid-definition-rows
* grid-row-span
* grid-span
* grid-position -- no current article or stub; should be removed from the
WPW table

Then, I'll update the following articles and their WPW table entries per
the current spec:
* grid-auto-columns
* grid-auto-flow
* grid-auto-rows
* grid-template (shorthand)

Finally (probably concurrent with the above updates), I'll add the
following new articles per the spec -- these should be added to the WPW
* grid-template-columns
* grid-template-rows
* grid-template-areas
* grid-auto-position
* grid (shorthand)
* grid-row-start
* grid-column-start
* grid-row-end
* grid-column-end
* grid-column (shorthand)
* grid-row (shorthand)
* grid-area (shorthand)

I will update, but not add or remove rows in the WPW table; that should
probably be left to the coordinators.

Note that as the entire grid layout module is not yet implemented, even in
Chrome Canary, the spec may change even as I document it in WPD.

If you see any errors in the above, please let me know.

Dave Gash

Received on Monday, 16 September 2013 21:45:00 UTC