Re: Web Platform Public Involvement


That sounds great! We do have a community development team.[1] Scott Rowe
and Janet Swisher are leading that effort, and do have a plan started.[2] I
think having a dedicated dev rel group would really help!

Look forward to hearing more about this!




From:  Nic da Costa <>
Date:  Thursday, June 6, 2013 2:14 PM
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Web Platform Public Involvement

Hey Everyone

I have been chatting with some folks over in IRC about general public
involvement and how we can look at improving this aspect and one of the
ideas that came up was to setup a sort of "Dev Rel" team. The aim of the
team would be to be the main interface with the public, sort of a buffer or
intermediate for those people who do not wish to take part in the mailing
list but have ideas to bounce around. The aim of this would be to try and
improve our channel of communication with the general public, to get more
involvement, even if it is for some base ideas. The team could then report
on people's behalf and carry on any discussions that need to take place.

They could also act as an entry point and help any new comers on how to get
started, even if it means pointing them in the right direction or telling
them who would be best to speak to.

// Nic da Costa

Received on Thursday, 6 June 2013 21:22:29 UTC