Re: Automatic stubs for JavaScript APIs

Hi all,

On that aspect, Dom, I heard from Mike during TPAC that he’d also like us to maintain/expose current HTML language reference [0]. 

I think that this documentation is quite relevant for our content and audience.

@Dom, do you think we could use your utility for it?



On Nov 17, 2013, at 2:16 PM, Max Polk <> wrote:

> We have an initiative to add pages about JavaScript the language, a kind of language reference:
> A separate existing area is dedicated to APIs:
> Then there are just popular JavaScript libraries.  The latter may also fall into APIs, but doesn't necessarily need to.  It might be better to separate what's built in and standardized versus the latest jQuery, maybe popular libraries would be under wiki/libraries just to be distinct and be so clear about what I get by default versus what I get by loading a third-party library.
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 4:44 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I chatted with Eliott this week on a potentially useful tool I've built
> that could be used to generate stubs for JavaScript API pages, based on
> how they're defined in specs (using WebIDL).
> As some of you may know, browser JavaScript APIs are described in a
> formal language called WebIDL that lets spec authors describe which
> properties and methods a given JavaScript interface exposes.
> As part of my (irregular) work on the W3C cheatsheet:
> I built a ad-hoc workflow that takes an spec written in HTML, extracts
> the WebIDL fragments, and turn them into (somewhat) human-readable
> content that can then be displayed in the said cheatsheet.
> I won't get into the details of that workflow, but the most motivated
> readers can try to pull the pieces together from:
> esp.
> I could reasonably easily adapt that workflow to make it generate
> mediawiki markup, which could be used as stubs for a large number of
> APIs.
> I understand that for the most popular APIs, the preferred approach will
> be to import existing content, but hopefully such an automatic approach
> could help bootstrap the work on the APIs in which no or little content
> already exists.
> Is this of interest? If so, what is the best way to proceed with that
> idea?
> Dom

Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2013 16:27:38 UTC