Google Webmaster Tools Update (and Rich Snippets)

Hi, folks-

I got an action to add our sitemap [1] to Google Webmaster Tools, which 
I have done.

One of the other tips they have is inserting "rich snippets" (microdata 
or RDFa Lite) [2]; the specific use they have for this is to split out 
search results into structured results.

They don't currently pull out technical documentation for display on 
search result pages, but I would love for them to do so for our data... 
search Google or Bing for "WPD border-radius" and it could show the 
summary, syntax, and values right there in the search results, with 
links to examples and compatibility tables. That would be cool. Since 
Google/Bing doesn't have that now, adding markup like this is a low 
priority, but I thought I'd put a bug in your ear. There are a few 
vocabularies that might be suitable for marking up our data [3], and we 
could even work on expanding those.



Received on Monday, 15 April 2013 00:37:58 UTC