Work I should do next ;-)

Hi all,

After weeks of crazy day job busyness, traveling, and illness, I am now ready to start working on WPD stuff again. There are millions of mails in my inbox; can someone give me a really quick tl;dr summary and help me to think about what to do next?

I could continue to do CSS property pages, either reviewing existing pages that have been done or working on new ones.

I could contact CSS folk in the WG and web community and ask for feedback on pages we have completed, see what they think 

I would like to really make a go of sorting out the beginner's material, especially now David Herz has given us a great opportunity for some dedicated feedback from a beginner, which would help us loads.

What do you think I should do?

best regards,

Chris Mills
Opera Software,
W3C Fellow, web education and
Author of "Practical CSS3: Develop and Design" (

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2013 10:40:06 UTC