Re: Proposal for updating links on

Yea, I see where it has actually been written already (will actually 
read over it later). I was just going through email in order of arrival 
since *everyone* had to do *everything* while I was not able to check 
email. ;)


On 12/12/2012 3:34 AM, Chris Mills wrote:
> On 12 Dec 2012, at 11:15, Jonathan Garbee <> wrote:
>> Well, I'd love to see what is linked to in that bug report to see what was being thought of before. The link (along with a few other links in the tracker) go to a locked resource. Either way, I think points two and three for what should be on the About page should be combined; the site was made because of the philosophy so there really is no need to create more fluff. I really think the intro video did a great job of getting the point across, the real question is how many people watched it. That video would be a good base of information to start with for building the page I think.
> I'm happy to have a look at the video, to make sure our about page complements and doesn't contradict the video. But I think what I've already written is ok (others agreed, too.)

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 12:01:30 UTC