Re: Deprecated/Non Standard Indications Within Listings

I like it better without the "font-weight: bold". Colors are ok.

On 05.12.2012 10:43, PhistucK wrote:
> Can someone take a look at the indications and let me know whether the color/box/design is fine?
> You can see it next to "MSStream".
> ☆*PhistucK*
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Alex Komoroske* < <>>
> Date: Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 4:45 AM
> Subject: Re: Missing Essentials
> To: PhistucK < <>>
> Cc: <>
>             13. Indicate a method/property is non standard, deprecated and so on.
>             Add a few check boxes to the API method/property/object (and more...) templates to indicate that it is non standard, deprecated, proprietary or obsolete (supported only
>             in Netscape 2, for example, or only on HTML 3) - each of them should get a check box.
>             This information should show up on the property/method tables of the "Applies to..." object. Ideally, anything marked as such would reside in a separate section below
>             everything that is standard/current, so users would not be encouraged to use it.
>         There's an ability to mark any reference article (including Methods/Properties) as being standard/obsolete/non-standard, etc.  Making it so that those would be pulled out
>         in the summary tables on API Objects should be relatively easy. Another good thing t o
>     I gave it a shot. I created two test bed templates for this purpose -
> These look good!
>     A few questions -
>     1. How do you test template changes? I created new templates just for the sake of experimentation, because I would not want to break all of the template users while
>     experimenting/making changes. Is there another way?
> I'm embarrassed to admit that what I've done up until now is just made the changes on the live templates and quickly checked to make sure they didn't obviously break anything. The
> way you've done it here is better for non-trivial changes.
>     2. I added a #switch that searches for Non-Standard or Deprecated (I could easily add more, if needed, like Obsolete, which I think should be added to the
>     Standardization_Status options) and adds a styled span (it would be better if I used a class and added it to some global CSS). Does that seem fine (the style could use some
>     work, of course ;))?
> Yeah, this approach seems perfect.

Received on Wednesday, 5 December 2012 18:32:12 UTC